Centre Interculturel Franco-Chinois; Accueil, aimité, échange !

mercredi 29 février 2012



她说,当然有,然后从柜台里拿出一个杯子说:“这 个行吗?”我一下子明白,是自己的发音错了,
买个针头(枕头)。”她说,我们的商店不卖针头。这下 可把我弄糊涂了。我明明看见货架上放着一
“我们这儿没有针 头。”眼看自己是说不明白了,我连忙指着她的身后说:“那是什么?”她笑了:
没问题。他让我坐下,开始理发。他剪头的时候,我睡着 了。睡着睡着,有人在我肩上拍了一下,
师给我剪了个板寸,头 发只有半寸长。▲
”我父亲的朋友都说:“学习法语或者德语吧。” 可是我想,在哥伦比亚会说德语和法语的人不少。我得
东西。我打开电脑,上了许多关于中国和汉语的网站,发 了许多电子邮件,可是几天过去了,发出去的
习汉语的事,父 母也没有再提醒我。
:“你好!我和你还不相识,但我知道你打算学汉语。 有一件事我告诉你,那就是汉语不仅是一门用嘴
个汉字: ‘哭’字和‘笑’字,如果你能区别出哪个表示难过,哪个表示愉快,你就一定可以学好汉语。信
。8年前,我给这个中国姑娘写了封信,可是却始终 没有收到她的回信。如果我能跟她见面,一定要当
等我会说一 口流利的汉语时,能和她成为好朋友,并且告诉她:“谢谢,是你改变了我的生活。”▲
    《环球时报》 (2002年03月07日第九版)

La structure de la phrase en chinois

La structure de la phrase en chinois

La possession en chinois et généralement exprimée par la structure "possesseur + de + possédé" par exemple :
我 wǒ (le possesseur je) + 的 de (particule de possession) + 書(书) shū (le possedé livre)
Un moyen mnémotechnique pour mémoriser le possessif 的 de en chinois est de se dire que c'est la même chose qu'en français lorsque l'on dit : « C'est le livre DE papa »

Le pronom Je peut être remplacé par d'autres pronoms suivant la même structure de phrase :
我wǒ (je)                    Mon livre
你nǐ (tu)                    Ton livre
+ 的de + 書(书) shū
她tā (elle)                     Son livre (à elle)
他tā (il)                    Son livre (à lui)

Un autre exemple :
你們(们) nǐ men ( vous)                    Votre travail
我們(们) wǒ men (nous)                    Nôtre travail
+ 的de +工作 gōngzuò (travail)
她們(们) tā men (elles)                 Leur travail (à elles)
他們(们) tā men (ils)                        Leur travail (à eux)

L'omission du possessif

On n'utilise pas 的de dans les cas suivants :
- Les noms de marques :
Par exemple pour la bière青島 Qīngdǎo (ou Tsingtao) 啤酒Píjiǔ on omet d'utiliser的de alors qu'en fait il faudrait bien dire la bière de Tsingtao.
- Les liens de parenté 

Apprendre le chinois

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a.jpg (10779 bytes)
The mouth cavity is narrowed;the tongue is placed   naturally in flat position close to the upper gum without
causing any obstruction; the vocal cards vibrate.
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o.jpg (11118 bytes)
In o the tongue position is similiar to that in e except that the lips are rounded.Beginners may try to to articulate o and e alternately by changing the lip-rounding.
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e.jpg (10059 bytes)
The mouth is half open;the tougue is placed in mid position;the lips open naturally;the vocal cords vibrate.
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) i.jpg (8887 bytes) The mouth cavity is narrowed;the tongue is placed naturally in a flat position close to the upper gum without causing any obstruction;the vocal cords viberate.
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) u.jpg (10144 bytes) To articulate this vowel the lips should be runded and protruded;the tongue is raised closed close to the upper palate,the root of the tongue is drawn near the throat;the vocal cords vibrate.
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  title2.gif (786 bytes)
b or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) b.jpg (10628 bytes)
The lips are closed to cause obstruction;the vocal cords vibrate; and air in the oral cavity is compressed to pronounce with plosion.
p or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) p.jpg (10229 bytes) P is similar to b.Their position and manner of articulation are the same(the lips are closed to cause obstruction;the vocal cords do not vibrate;the obstruction is removed by plosion).They are different in that b is unaspirated,whereas p is aspirated.
m or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) m.jpg (9703 bytes) The lips are closed;the vocal cords vibrate;and air is let out through the nasal cavity.
f or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) f.jpg (10266 bytes) The upper teeth are placed on the inside edge of the lower lip to cause obstruction;the vocal cords do not vibrate;and air is exhaled from between the lower lip and teeth with friction.
d or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) d.jpg (9877 bytes) The tip of the tongue touches the upper teeth and gum to cause obstruction;the vocal cords do not vibrate;and air is compressed in the oral cavity to pronounce with plosion.
t or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) t.jpg (8747 bytes) The tip of the tongue touches the upper gum;the vocal cords do not vibrate;and air is let out with friction between the root of the tongue and the soft palate.
n or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) n.jpg (9675 bytes) The tip of the tongue touches the upper gum;the vocal cords vibrate;and air is let out through the nasal cavity.
l or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) l.jpg (10079 bytes) The tip of the tongue is raised to touch the upper gum; the vocal cords vibrate;and air is exhaled from both sides of the tongue blade.
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  title3.gif (783 bytes)
ɑ o e i u ɑi
ɑo ou
b or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) bo
bi bu bɑi bei bɑo
p or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) po
pi pu pɑi pei pɑo pou
m or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) mo me mi mu mɑi mei mɑo mou
f or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) fo

d or_pin.gif (1016 bytes)
de di du dɑi dei dɑo dou
t or_pin.gif (1016 bytes)
te ti tu tɑi tei tɑo tou
n or_pin.gif (1016 bytes)
ne ni nu nɑi nei nɑo nou
l or_pin.gif (1016 bytes)
le li lu lɑi nei nɑo nou
up.gif (2329 bytes)

  title4.gif (781 bytes)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) bā(eight) bàbɑ(father)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) dú(read)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) bāo báo bǎo bào bào(newspaper)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) māmɑ(mother)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) dǎ(knit)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) māo máo mǎo mào máoyi(sweater)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) tā(he,she,him,her,it)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) nǐ(you)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) māi mái mǎi mài mǎi(buy) mài(sell)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) yifú(clothing)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) dìdi(younger brother) dì-bā(eighth)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) pāo páo pǎo pào pǎo(to run)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) mēi méi měi mèi mèimei(younger sister)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) wǔ(five) di-wǔ(fifth)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) yī(one) di-yī(first)
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  title5.gif (779 bytes)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes)
Bàbɑ dú bào,māmɑ dá máoyi。
Papa reads a newspaper and mama knits a sweater.
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) Nǐ mài yīfu,tā mǎi yīfu。
You sell clothes and he/she buys clothes.
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) Dìdi pǎo dì-yī,Wúloú pǎo dì-wǔ,mèimei pǎo dì-bā。
(My) younger brother came in first,Wulou came in fifth and (my) younger sister came in eighth.
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  title6.gif (778 bytes)
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) bābɑ (名)爸爸 father
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) māmɑ (名)妈妈 mother
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) dìdi (名)弟弟 younger brother
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) mèimei (名)妹妹 younger sister
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) bào (名)报 newspaper
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) máoyī (名)毛衣 sweater
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) yīfu (名)衣服 clothes
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (代)你 you
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (代)他、她 he,she
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (动)读 to read
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (动)打 to knit
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) mǎi (动)买 to buy
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) mài (动)卖 to sell
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) pǎo (动)跑 to run
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) di(-yī) (前缀)第(一) perfix used to indicate an ordinal number
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (数)一 one
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (数)五 five
or_pin.gif (1016 bytes) (数)八 eight
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